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Dear Riverdalians,

Assemblyman Dinowitz, Councilman Cohen, State Senator Klein and the Riverdale community should also plead with Riverdale Center LLC, who own the property where Key Food resides, to also be a better neighbor and clean up the PUBLIC sidewalks daily on Oxford and Johnson Avenues where the parking lot extends. Key Food and the other small businesses are not responsible for the clean-up of that stretch of the PUBLIC sidewalk; Riverdale Center LLC is.

Everyday these two half-block PUBLIC stretches on each side of the parking lot on Oxford and Johnson Avenues between 232nd and 235th is littered with broken glass, dog feces, garbage bags, liquor bottles, chemicals, plastic bags, supermarket flyers, coffee cups, etc. This is a relatively high pedestrian area because of the local schools, shops and houses of worship in the area. However at times navigating through that half block stretch can be dangerous for the public health of our children, our seniors, our pets, our trees and local shoppers just carrying groceries home. The unsightliness and stench also degrades our neighborhood and encourages more littering throughout the community.

For anyone who cares, please call our local politicians and ask them to address this issue with the property owners, Riverdale Center LLC. Ask them to make the sanitation department place two trash bins on each end of the PUBLIC sidewalks the parking lot extends (4 total) and put signs to remind dog owners about the fine for not picking up after their pets.

Please politely ask Riverdale Center LLC to be a more responsible local business/property owner and ask them to hire someone clean the PUBLIC sidewalk at least once a day, SEVEN (7) days week (NOT just once a week). This stretch gets so filthy it must be cleaned every day. It would only cost them about $20 a day to hire someone to clean the PUBLIC sidewalk they are legally responsible for keeping clean.

If anyone cares about the cleanliness and public health of our neighborhood, here are the contact numbers of the responsible parties who can help make it better:

Riverdale Center LLC: 212-819-0355

State Senator Jeffrey Klein: 718-822-2049

Assembly Jeffrey Dinowitz: 718-796-5345

Councilman Andrew Cohen: 718-549-7300

Thank you Riverdalians!

From: Trash piles up on Cambridge Avenue lots

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