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We had Dinkins and he polarized NYc and forced many businesses to leave . Then people voted to get Ruby into office to fix the democrap fiasco and the city then elected the Tyrant Bloomberg that for two terms did a decent job for "quality of life" and the third term he went berserk with power

Now we have another democrap in office and we see how well that is going

I remember when Dinkins was first running for office a contract stated "when you have an incompetent mayor its good for developers and contractors as they are some of the best money can buy

Look at the mess a NYC developer has to fix because of the "affirmative action" ex president

We need Nancy Pelosi to be president as listening to someone from the land of Fruits and nuts is what makes the democratic party what it is Incompetency is on the rampant . Time to replace Engel and Dingbat and lets have two perm limits now special perks such as retirement just social security

From: De Blasio leaves questions unanswered

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