Learn to love climate change


To the editor,

Has anyone else noticed how much Mrs. Clinton and Bernie Sanders have begun to resemble Ma and Pa Kettle from the movies of days gone by?

Relatedly, has anyone else noticed how the slicksters have changed the weather discussion? For a number of years we were barraged with news stories about gobal warming!  And then, starting about two years ago — presto, chango —  we are now inundated by stories about climate change!  

The reason of course, for those of us who pay attention, was that we have had very cold, severe winters, with much snow, in the East, as well as across our country. Remember Buffalo with 7 feet of snow in one episode, and Boston last winter (2014-15) setting a record of snowfall  accumulation, with more than 115 inches for the season. Similar winter events here in NYC, too.  

At the risk of being a self-proclaimed weatherman, I predict that the climate will change, the weather will change, your health will change, your bank account will change, your children will change, your looks will change, your… well, you get the point by now, I’m sure.

My friends, everything changes. We must learn to love change. Please don’t be alarmed by a bit of warming. I would really like a few mild winters; yes, for a change.                    

John J. Sweeney

climate change, John J. Sweeney
