Riverdale 100 Years Ago


Dear Riverdale Press:

As you can see by the inscription on one of these three photographs, these hundred-year-old photographs were made in Riverdale in July 2015, a century ago. I found them among my family heirlooms.

I hope that you will publish some or all of them. I give permission as the heir. If you do publish them, please let me know.

I have no knowledge of the locale within Riverdale. You may be able to identify the house.

The photos portray my grandmother Constance Adams Erdman and my grandfather, Seward Erdman, M.D. and their daughter age one at the time, Rosalind Erdman. The snapshots would have been taken by Constance and Seward, taking each other’s photograph. Seward Erdman who was a surgeon in Manhattan for about 50 years, ending around 1955.

Feel free to call or email me to discuss.


David Erdman

History, Riverdale, 1915
