Sacrifice flavor for substance


Sufi teaching instructs, “To pluck a flower is to trouble a star.” Yes, all creation is related one to the other in origin, evolution separating and bringing to light the Creator’s intent, following the “Big Bang” and its incalculable cosmological fling, nothing left untouched!  Yes, we are all stardust and interrelated, in essence I think within the biblical concept of the brotherhood/sisterhood of all humanity – all creation really, under the Fatherhood of G-d!

The second excerpt is as follows, “The looming environmental disaster (the root meaning of the word disaster) is “ill-starred”… (focusing on) “a communion of subjects that are interconnected and interdependent for life.” Indeed, we do depend on animate and inanimate materiality all working together purposefully. Thus the wisdom of Pope Francis’ insights bring to light our responsibility in all ways — economically too, for the greening of the earth our common home.

The question may arise, “Why should this be?” Well, as someone once said, so “that no one should have nothing.” In other words, nations and individuals blessed with varying degrees of affluence must be willing to add a little water to the soup of human need, that is, sacrifice flavor for substance. It is in the tangibility of substance, not in the sensuous superficiality of flavor, in its own way also a gift from G-d, that sustenance resides. We are our brothers/sisters keepers!

How can this be done? I think by amicably ending the ecological and economic assault on the poor and needy, by corporate and individual greed and avarice of some. Inventing a word, by voluntary compassionate “ecolomics” allowing the ecologies and economics of our common home the cosmos, sister earth, to work together constructively, by deleting from the internet-ing of body and soul gross inequities and selfishness.

philosophy, Bruce Snowden
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