Stop the killing


Putting aside personal ideologies, permit the following question: “Why have youthful Americans, and some not so youthful, become so indiscriminately hardened to the splashing of America’s blood and guts across the country?” Horrifically, we have seen repeated examples of children killing children and other types of gross lack of respect for human life — lack of respect for other ecologies too, environmental needs and such, but that’s a different story.

 I’m afraid we cannot answer that question without including ideologies. But to do so respectfully, one has got to acknowledge the “politically correct” devotees who carefully guard the right to free speech, but seemingly only as they interpret it. 

Thus, people have become reluctant, even fearful, to speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, because one might get crushed with charges of bigotry, or even anti-Americanism. Unfortunately, too often media also grabs the baton of discordancy joining in the march. So, are we to simply “live and let live” or what?

 I suggest the causes are numerous, but for now succinctly confined to three causes. 

First, mental health issues are not recognized, or poorly addressed.

Second, widely acclaimed, court-approved “culture of death” rights which, some say, subliminally implant in underdeveloped youthful minds the notion that  life is cheap and practically as dispensable as a used coffee cup! 

Third, access to guns and other weapons of destruction is too easy, complicated by lax parental supervision in homes where weapons are legally possessed. 

Add as an aside, public education’s disregard for the stabilizing effect on human conduct of the Decalogue, especially the fifth commandment, which says, “Thou shall not murder,” (literally, the commandment does say “murder,” not “kill”) and society has prepared a ticking time bomb guaranteeing nothing but mayhem sooner than later.

violence, gun control, Point of View, Bruce Snowden
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