The election could be an act of God


To the editor:

 Article after article in The Jewish Week and other publications have endeavored to explain just how it was possible for Donald Trump to have won the election.  Answers have ranged the gamut, but mostly revolve around one or more of the following:  change/protest/anti-elitist tide, sexism, racism, Hillary Clinton not being a strong candidate.

Allow me to propose another reason:  Divine intervention. 

There really is no other rational way to explain it.  Donald Trump was outspent by more than double and had less than a third of the staff that Clinton had.  Virtually no newspaper of any significance supported him.  

A popular sitting president, Wall Street, the media, Hollywood, the established leaders of his own party were all against him.  And Mr. Trump seemed to make things worse every time he opened his mouth or posted something on Twitter offending large swaths of the population.

In short, it was impossible for Donald Trump to win.  Or, as even those who supported him conceded, it would take a miracle.  Well, a miracle is what we got.

If the juxtaposition of the word miracle and the words President Donald Trump turn your insides, then by all means instead see his election as a disaster – like a devastating earthquake, hurricane, or damaging flood.  In other words, an Act of God.

Sometimes we get a wake-up call in life reminding us that for all our power, there is a God in this world, and that He, and not us, is in control.

So see the election of Donald Trump as a miracle, if you wish, or a disaster, if you prefer.  But in any event take solace with the faith and trust that, regardless, God has a plan.

Mark Marmer

Mark Marmer
