Thinking Thanksgiving


To the editor:

The following is a view of the world, politically and economically, as seen by literally unseeing eyes.

For coal and oil, Mother Earth has been assaulted by digging and drilling, the end products of which poison the air we breathe, is filling.

The poverty-stricken in trash piles are swilling, while the top 1 percent, the taxes they should pay, they’re unwilling.

Genetically altered seeds and pesticides, into the soil, farmers are tilling, for which Monsanto evades adequate grilling.

Just about anywhere, the political climate is quite chilling. The demented ascend to their nation’s top billing.

North, east, south or west, suffer massive killing. And the media reporting of events is unfulfilling.

We seem to live in an era where life is worth hardly more than a shilling. Would that social justice prevail for all in the world. 

Then ever Thanksgiving would be ever more thrilling.

Theodore Fettman

Theodore Fettman
