Beware of double-bills


To the editor:

One of the characteristics that make Riverdale a great place to live and raise a family is the sense of community and specifically doing business with honest people who charge appropriately for services rendered. It truly is one of the last neighborhoods that is self-sufficient, and has a homey sense of security.

I was raised in the North Riverdale area, and always had a sense the “village” would help to raise me (which it did). Imagine my surprise when I learned that a doctor in the “village” was charging extra for services that were covered.

You know, you spend your whole life serving the boroughs as a civil servant, and are thankful for the medical coverage that you receive for the honor of protecting your community. Now, in your retirement, you trust one of the villagers and then learn that he is double charging.

That’s right, getting paid by the in-service insurance coverage that so many of us have, and then charge again. Sadly, although he recognizes the fraud, he will not repay you.

So, as a “villager,” I want you to question when required to pay out-of-pocket. What a shonda, that one among us is a cheat!

Nancy Romano

Have an opinion? Share your thoughts as a letter to the editor. Make your submission to letters@riverdalepress.com. Please include your full name, phone number (for verification purposes only), and home address (which will not be published). The Riverdale Press maintains an open submission policy, and stated opinions do not necessarily represent the publication.
Nancy Romano,
