Here's an idea: Lock Trump up


To the editor:

Former president Donald Trump incited a deadly insurrection against the U.S. government, according to Republican Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell.

“Jan. 6 was a disgrace. American citizens attacked their own government. They used terrorism. Fellow Americans beat and bloodied our own police. They stormed the Senate floor. They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House. They built a gallows and chanted about murdering the vice president.

“They did this because they had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth. Because he was angry he had lost election.

“There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. This was an intensifying crescendo of conspiracy theories, orchestrated by the outgoing president, who seemed determined to either overturn the voters’ decision or else torch our institutions on the way out.”

Lock Trump up!

Jake Pickering

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Jake Pickering,
