Masks give a lot more freedom


To the editor:

To the right-wingers and others who are decrying wearing masks and taking other precautions in light of the delta variant wreaking havoc because it impinges on their “freedom,” consider these laws:

License and insurance for your vehicle. Speed limits. Marriage licenses. Various permits to run a business. Having to enroll your child in school. Not driving drunk.

All those laws and mandates are necessary to allow us to live in a civilized society. And most of all, we are not allowed to do bodily harm or murder others.

You have a right not to get vaccinated, but you do not have a right to harm or kill others. If you are an anti-vaxxer or anti-mask wearer, that’s exactly what you are doing.

I know this is true because, early in the coronavirus pandemic, a co-worker of a relative of mine had contracted the virus, but did not know she had it because there were no symptoms. Both her mother and father with whom she lived caught the virus from her and died.

This is real.

Pauline Binder

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Pauline Binder,
