Please think of others


To the editor:

With a master’s degree in public health and as a retired health care professional, I’ve become extremely concerned during my Palisade Avenue walks regarding the increase in numbers of soiled disposable gloves and masks being thrown along Palisade.

On May 25, I counted 27 used soiled disposable gloves and 18 soiled masks simply discarded and thrown on the ground starting at the Palisade Avenue entrance of the Hebrew Home at Riverdale, going on up halfway along West 261st Street, heading to Riverdale Avenue.

As we all know, we are in a COVID-19 public health crisis, and we here in our community should not be exposed to this filthy, possibly dangerous practice.

I have contacted the Hebrew Home suggesting they immediately start training staff regarding the safe methods of disposing used gloves and masks, and also about infection-control practices.

As Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his team work very hard to enforce safe practices and use of masks, I also contacted his office to include some information on safe disposal of used gloves and masks, perhaps during his daily briefings.

Diane Perillo

Have an opinion? Share your thoughts as a letter to the editor. Make your submission to letters@riverdalepress.com. Please include your full name, phone number (for verification purposes only), and home address (which will not be published).
Diane Perillo,
