Rabbi Avi Weiss speaks for me


To the editor:

(re: “Weiss never speaks for me, but Bowman often does,” April 29)

Rabbi Avi Weiss speaks for me when he opposes congressional laws against Israel that are based on false premises and failure to dialogue.

Rabbi Weiss speaks for me when he selflessly leads demonstrations around the world to free Soviet Jews.

Rabbi Weiss speaks for me when he invites a Black church choir to sing every year on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Rabbi Weiss speaks for me when he supports the boys kidnapped in the West Bank, and the girls kidnapped in Nigeria.

Rabbi Weiss speaks for me when he travels to support Jews in Argentina after the bombing of their synagogue.

Rabbi Weiss speaks for me when he protests the presence of a cross at Auschwitz.

Rabbi Weiss speaks for me when he travels to support Jewish students on campus.

Rabbi Weiss speaks for me when he supports civil rights for minorities.

Rabbi Weiss speaks for me when he inspires Jews with words of Torah.

Rabbi Weiss speaks for me when he creates learning opportunities for adults and children.

Rabbi Weiss speaks for me when he establishes two yeshivas — one for men, and one for women.

Rabbi Weiss speaks for me when he establishes programs for the mentally challenged, including their participation during Shabbat services.

Rabbi Weiss speaks for me when he insists that his shul have ramps to the bimah.

Rabbi Weiss speaks for me when he visits people in the hospital.

Rabbi Weiss speaks for me when he welcomes every Jew of every stripe.

Rabbi Avi Weiss speaks for me, because he treats every human being as an image of God.

Daniel Langer

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Daniel Langer,
