Trump has destroyed America


To the editor:

President Trump, you have had nearly four years to lead the United States and have failed us by your own choosing. Whether it be in foreign policy or domestic policy, you have not protected the United States as commander-in-chief.

Now comes the latest news about your complete disrespect for our military and total disregard for the COVID-19 virus. We the American people have finally borne witness to what happens when they place an incompetent business leader into the Oval Office. Quality of life is not a business decision, sir, but rather it is a humane choice to be empathetic to those who cannot help themselves.

Joe Biden as that empathy, and will return the United States to an era when we were respected internationally because of how we treat our citizens domestically.

This election is a clear choice between those who have never had it so good, and those of us who know we can do better.

Joe Biden will lead us there.

Fellow citizens, exercise your right to vote to preserve your sacred heritage, promote your children’s future, and obtain the blessings of liberty we all cherish.

To restore a sense of decency to the United States, rise and vote!

Joe Bialek

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Joe Bialek,
