Use force, but only if necessary


To the editor:

The use of force — up to and including lethal force as a last resort — is justified not to protect a patch of private property, but to preserve the rule of law itself. Refusal of government to enforce constitutional laws is the worst of all forms of civil disobedience. It is an absolute violation of the social contract.

If it is done on a very small scale, then a coup to oust the lawless government is not warranted. People should show restraint and patience. However, if government goes too far too long, remaining unchecked by checks and balances, “we the people” would be forced to restore the U.S. Constitution by force of arms, if necessary.

That won’t happen in this particular situation, which is nothing but a sick political provocation by depraved leftists. But they’re pushing it right to the limit. This is extremely incendiary behavior and it must stop.

We need to get organized and put serious pressure on politicians to put an end to this reckless, mindless experiment with anarchy.

Howard Cohn

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Howard Cohn,
