We just can't ignore the hatred


To the editor:

It was while watching a piece on the election of Barack Obama that I realized that this event hit a certain group of people as an outrageous and personal attack on their very being.

And it was that event that spawned the likes of groups like the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys to an atmosphere ready to follow a man like Donald Trump.

It could have been any man that spewed vitriol of anger that has so wounded this country.

These men — and, admittedly, some women — were teens in 2008. They heard the views of parents, friends and neighbors, and those views became theirs.

Those people were unprepared for and stunned by the possibility of a Black man being the President of the United States of America.

And so challenged and further exacerbated by the impending arrival of immigrants, the rise of Hispanic and Black people to positions of authority, and the rise of technology — for which they were ill-prepared — they became the obscene mob that attacked the capital on that day which we will never forget.

Claire Lobel

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Claire Lobel,
