Writers are just wearing me out


To the editor:

(re: “It’s not a choice,” Aug. 1)

Yes, Mr. Dennis Donofrio, Mr. Joe Bialek, Alvin Gordon and their like-minded cohorts all get to express their opinion about abortion and all matters. Most of us who read this fine journal understand these folks represent a distinct minority in our otherwise tolerant community.

My question to The Riverdale Press, if you take up my challenge, is: Do these hating name-callers also have the right to espouse inflammatory and inciting comments that denigrate and demean others in our community who disagree with them?

How is this acceptable?

I personally believe these gentlemen — like the occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., they support — are wearisome and tiring.

The president will be replaced in November 2020 as his behavior turns much of the country against him.

Can you not find more cogent and coherent advocates for these beliefs in lieu of these tiresome ad hominem-spewing old angry ranters?

Besides which, where do these folks get all that energy just to channel such hate? Gotta wear a decent-thinking person out.

Adam Stoler


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Adam Stoler,
