About Islam as ‘religion of peace’


To the editor: 

Every time radical Muslim Jihadists maim or murder innocent victims here in the United States, you hear the same old politically correct crap from the Obama Administration and its dupes in the media and government:  “These people aren’t true Muslims because Islam is a “religion of peace.”  Let’s examine the truth of that statement.

The Prophet Mohammad, the founder of Islam, died in the year 632 A.D.  Only a short 48 years later in the year 680 A.D., a great schism developed between his followers as to whom his rightful successor would be after a blood relative who was in line for the position was murdered.  The opposing groups were the Shiites who favored a blood-line succession, and the Sunnis who opposed it.

Since then, for over 1,300 years continuing to the present day, for decade after decade, generation after generation, and century after century, these two opposing groups of Muslims have been slaughtering each other, amounting over the centuries to probably millions of deaths--all in the name of Islam, that so-called “Religion of Peace.”

Now, let’s deal with the present-day Muslim situation and the refugee issue.  There are approximately 1.6 billion Muslims in the world all believing, to some extent or other, in the words of their holy book, The Koran, a book which contains many contradictory passages.  And although the majority of present-day Muslims may be categorized as so-called “Moderate Muslims” who believe in live and let live, there remains a substantial minority of fundamentalist Muslims, “the radical jihadists,” amounting to probably several hundred million people who believe that it is their sacred mission to convert the infidels (the non-believers) and spread the religion of Islam and Sharia Law throughout the world. And by the sword, if necessary, just as their prophet Mohammad did in the seventh century.

Throughout the years, America has welcomed various groups of immigrants and refugees, but none of these many groups contained members whose purpose was to kill us.  Unfortunately, we now know from painful experience that we Americans face mortal danger from one group (and one group only), the radical Muslim jihadists.  And so, as compassionate as we might want to be, our safety must come first, and every, and I mean every, precaution must be taken to try to eliminate this danger to ourselves and our loved ones.

Since we cannot easily distinguish a peaceful Muslim from a murderous jihadist, the wisest thing to do is to keep them all out until we can safely do so.  In the meantime, let’s give refuge to the Christian refugees who have been persecuted for so many years throughout the Muslim world.  It’s the right thing to do.

 Alvin Gordon

Alvin Gordon
