Cohen: Freeze senior rent hikes for good

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“Everybody must be afraid to debate our candidate,” he said in a brief phone interview.

Engel protests opera

On Monday, Rep. Eliot Engel joined hundreds of protesters outraged at the Metropolitan Opera’s staging of  “The Death of Klinghoffer,” a controversial opera dealing with Palestinian terrorists’ murder of a Jewish-American man.

Following the demonstration near Lincoln Center Plaza, where the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale’s Rabbi Avi Weiss also staged a prayer vigil, Mr. Engel said in a statement the opera “trivializes” Mr. Klinghoffer’s killing during a 1985 hijacking.

“It’s a disgrace that the Met has chosen to feature an opera with such vile undertones, particularly given the rising current of anti-Semitism across the globe,” said Mr. Engel, the chairman of the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians.

Other prominent voices including former Mayor Rudy Giuliani criticized the opera, whose defenders say is not meant to glorify terrorism.

Schumer: ban GPS trackers

U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer is fighting what he described as a plague of GPS trackers being secretly placed on vehicles.

His office said in 2012, 100,000 GPS trackers were sold, with many more likely bought since then. The senator said it is easy for people to attach the devices to cars in order to stalk others.

Mr. Schumer introduced a bill that would make it illegal for people to covertly place GPS trackers on vehicles.

“The way the law currently stands, domestic violence victims, ex-spouses and other vulnerable populations are at risk to dangerous and invasive stalking or tracking, and this legislation will finally make it explicitly clear that this is unacceptable,” he said in a statement.

Update: A News 12 reporter said in an-email the panel with Mr. Mici will air on Oct. 25 and 26.

Political Arena, Andrew Cohen, Helen Rosenthal, Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption, Jeff Klein, Aleksander Mici, Carl Lundgren, Eliot Engel, The Death of Klinghoffer, Charles Schumer, GPS, Shant Shahrigian
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