Family continues to fight co-op’s dog ban


A Riverdale family fighting eviction claims their co-op board has been dogging them for years.

Standing outside Bronx Housing Court on Monday, Murray and Rita Hyman, residents of 3720 Independence Ave., and their daughter Julie, said their family continues to be targeted. 

They had already grown tired of their building’s short leash when, they said, members of the co-op’s board told Julie that she could not bring her dog Rocky to visit an ailing Rita, who was recovering from injuries stemming from a car crash.

“They accuse us of [violating] House Rule number 16, which says basically no bird nor animal may be harbored in the building without the expressed approval of the board,” said Mr. Hyman. “Harbored, that’s the key word. Then it says, specifically, when a dog is in a common area of the building it must be either carried or on a leash. I carry Rocky and he’s on a leash. I covered the rule from both ends.” 

Julie said the ensuing legal fight has lasted nearly half a decade and the family is prepared to continue fighting for a long time.

“Someone can falsely accuse you of harboring a pet and you’re stuck defending against eviction for as long as it takes, we’re four-and-a-half years in and there’s no end in sight.” Julie said. “Because after the trial there’s going to be an appeal. Someone’s going to win and there’s going to be an appeal.”

Members of the building’s board of directors declined to comment for this article.

Graham Kates, Murray Hyman, Rita Hyman, co-op
