In congressional race, Engel’s the top fund raiser, but he still favors reform



Two years ago, Republican Joe McLaughlin outspent Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz four to one, but lost every election district except Woodlawn.

This time around, he decided to run against 24-year incumbent Rep. Eliot Engel in Congressional District 16. Again, it’s an uphill battle. He’s taking on another member of the Ben Franklin Reform Democratic Club in an overwhelmingly Democratic district, but the money is very different this time. 

According to the most recent campaign filings, Mr. Engel is outspending Mr. McLaughlin more than 700 to one, spending $721,750 through Oct. 17 compared to Mr. McLaughlin’s $989.

Mr. Engel has raked in $971,912 in this election cycle, including $11,000 from Riverdale or Kingsbridge.

Mr. McLaughlin spent six figures for his failed Assembly bid, but he scaled back this time, saying he hoped he raised his name recognition enough two years ago to help him with his congressional bid.

The two candidates agree on almost nothing. But, ironically enough, they both favor public financing of campaigns.

Mr. Engel has received money from individuals who live all over the country, as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars from unions and interest groups.

“I have people who believe in me, some live in the district and some don’t… I will gladly accept money from people who believe in me,” he said.

But despite his enormous monetary advantage over Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Engel said he would be in favor of leveling the playing field, even if it made it more of a challenge.

“I don’t want to hurt myself obviously, but I want to do what’s best for the country. I’m willing to take the chance,” he said.

The congressional district has changed geographically and Mr. McLaughlin hopes the redrawn district lines will give him a fighting chance. 

“The area is new to him [Engel], so he’s going to have to state his case… This election is all about new ideas,” Mr. McLaughlin said.

adam wisnieski, eliot engel, joe mclaughlin, congress, district 16, election
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