Problem starts with Trump


To the editor:

The President of the United States is in a position to lead not only our nation and our people, but the world. When the president willfully chooses ignorance, such as knowing what the latest draconian health care “reform” bill does or does not contain, and trades his ignorance for a “political victory,” no matter the cost, he has mightily fallen down. 

Not knowing what he is asking for is more than an embarrassment, it’s a danger to the health and welfare of the citizens of this country, and to the economy.

That’s just the beginning.

Added to his waffling on racism, anti-Semitism and a host of other hate-filled ideologies, this is clearly a man unfit to lead a Fortune 500 company, much less the nation. It’s time for him to resign before the damage becomes permanent.

Let him go “home” to a state where they still adore him, if they’ll have him. Then we can start the hard work of joining forces with those we disagree with to affect the change the nation needs.

He is the problem.

Adam Stoler

Adam Stoler
