A sprinkle of ingenuity brings cool water to park


A garden hose fastened to a fire hydrant, lifted up against a light post, and slung across the Ruth MacLaughlin Playground fence, has ended the park’s nearly three-month drought by fanning water across a green park bench.

The drinking fountain and permanent sprinkler have been out of commission since a nearby water pipe burst this winter. But children have once again been scampering in and out of the water since the Department of Parks and Recreation set up the makeshift sprinkler system about a month ago.

According to Councilman Oliver Koppell’s office, the park’s water source dried up when a water pipe below Greystone Avenue broke this winter. Water rushing out from the broken pipe froze atop nearby streets, prompting calls from concerned residents. 

Andrew Sandler, director of community affairs for Mr. Koppell, said Parks couldn’t do “some big capital project” and repair the broken pipe during the winter months, but pledged to have the playground’s water restored by summer.

Calls from neighbors began trickling into Mr. Koppell’s office after Memorial Day, when the weather heated up and the sprinkler and drinking fountain weren’t flowing as usual. Just shy of a month ago, Parks installed its solution. 

“They’re playing catch-up,” Mr. Sandler said. “All the people wanted was for children to play in the water. So it’s calmed down. We were able to facilitate that. But obviously, we would like to see the water fixed with a long-term solution.”

“It’s not much, but it’s enough for the kid,” said Fiona Lloyd-Aikman, who lives just blocks from MacLaughlin Playground and said she was relieved that she no longer had to take her three kids to other area parks.

“They can collect water in cans and pails and cool off,” she said. 

Kathy Pope-Witte, who started bringing her 2-and-a-half-year-old twins to Seton Park, said the need for water was exasperated by the unseasonably steamy summer weather.

Sarina Trangle, park, water, water source, jury rig,
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