Police Beat


1. Treasure trove of goods

Thieves hit the jackpot in two separate burglaries last week, stealing thousands of dollars worth of jewelry and other big-ticket items while the homeowners were away for the day.

In the most recent incident, an 86-year-old man made the mistake of leaving his front door unlocked when he left his apartment, at 290 W. 232nd St., at around 10:30 a.m. on Saturday. When he returned at 5 p.m., police said, he found his bedroom had been ransacked.

The victim reported $22,000 worth of goods missing, including nearly $16,000 in assorted jewelry and a $5,000 fur coat.

Earlier in the week, on July 8, thieves broke into a Van Cortlandt Village apartment and stole close to $7,000 in jewelry.

The 29-year-old female victim told police she had locked her door before leaving for work. When she returned to the apartment, inside 3840 Orloff Ave., at 8 p.m., the front door was ajar and unlocked.

Among the missing items were two bracelets, valued at $600, a Gucci gold necklace, valued at $800 and two rings worth $2,650.

While the building was fitted with security cameras at the time, the superintendent, who was interviewed by investigating detectives, said they were recently malfunctioning and did not catch the intruders on tape.

2. Elevator robbery

A 64-year-old woman was robbed and assaulted by three men as she rode the elevator to her fifth-floor apartment inside the Marble Hill Houses last week.

The victim just got home from shopping on July 8, at around 7:50 p.m., and entered the elevator inside her building, at 2861 Exterior St. Police said three men rode the elevator with her, pressing the button for the third floor.

Once the doors closed, police said, one of the assailants stepped in front of her and ripped off her necklace. When she asked for it back, police said, he pushed her to the ground and took her purse.

The three men - a white, Hispanic and black, thought to be in their 20s - fled once the elevator doors opened on the third floor.

The woman lost her purse, $10, a MetroCard, a Medicaid card and a cell phone.

Police are still investigating.

3. Trio of thieves

A 19-year-old walking in Kingsbridge was threatened, robbed and assaulted last week, police said.

The victim was on Bailey Avenue, near Albany Crescent, at 1:50 a.m., on July 11, when the three men approached him.

"Stop right here and give me all you got cause I got a gun," one of the thieves allegedly said. The same man then slapped the victim across the face.

The 19-year-old tried to run, but another man tripped him, sending him crashing down to the floor. According to police, the victim hurt his knee in the fall.

Two men propped the victim up, while the third rifled through his pockets, taking his wallet, cell phone and iPod. The property is valued at just over $1,000, police said.

The victim called police and described his attackers. Officers canvassed the area, but did not find the three men.

4. Machete attack

Three men, one wielding a machete, attacked a 16-year-old Manhattan resident who was exiting the subway on Sunday in Marble Hill.

The teen just got off the subway at Broadway and West 225th Street, at 2:30 a.m. when he ran into his three attackers. It's unclear what provoked the attack, police said, but one of the men took out a machete and swung it at the victim, cutting his elbow.

The victim was taken to New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia Hospital to treat a superficial wound, and reported the incident to police at 4:50 a.m.

Police are investigating.

5. Drug arrest

A Marble Hill man who was first arrested for trespassing found himself in even hotter water last week when police allegedly discovered he was carrying 19 bags of marijuana.

Police Officer James Grogan spotted Clifford Layne, 28, enter and exit the lobby of 2861 Exterior St., part of the Marble Hill Houses. Mr. Layne, who lives at 5360 Broadway, couldn't explain to the officer why he was in the building, according to the Bronx District Attorney's Office.

The officer arrested and searched Mr. Layne and found the 19 bags of marijuana in his back pocket, according to the district attorney.

He was charged with criminal trespass, trespass and criminal possession of marijuana.

Mr. Layne was released on his own recognizance and is due back in court on Sept. 17.

6. Neighborhood watch

A Riverdale couple helped 50th Precinct police officers collar two men who were allegedly defacing property late at night at the corner of Greystone Avenue and West 238th Street last week.

According to police, the Riverdale residents spotted the pair, David Pozniak, 20, of Connecticut, and Alux Loyola, 21, of Waldo Avenue, spraypainting a mailbox, a light post and a fence on July 8, at around midnight. They called police, and Officer Alex Baran made the arrests.

According to police, Mr. Loyola was in possession of a can of spray paint and a paint marker, the color of which matched the graffiti tags.

The pair was charged with three counts of making graffiti, three counts of criminal mischief, possession of graffiti instruments and three counts of graffiti.

They were released on their own recognizance.

7. Car thefts

Three cars were plucked off local streets last week in three different areas of the 50th Precinct.

The first theft occurred in Van Cortlandt Village, outside 3915 Orloff Ave., on July 8, at 10:15 a.m. The victim, a 26-year-old male, returned to the spot to find his 2006 Mazda missing.

A 34-year-old Riverdale resident reported his 2007 Ford Focus stolen, after it was parked in front of 3875 Waldo Ave., for two days, between July 11 and Sunday.

And on Saturday, in North Riverdale, a 2007 Toyota Sienna was reported stolen outside 255 W. 260th St. The 40-year-old female victim was home when the theft occurred, police said.

Items in Police Beat are based on reports of crimes and arrests. Those arrested are not guilty unless they are convicted by a court.
