Campaign mailer is disgraceful


To the editor:

We of the Ruth Mullen Riverdale Huddle are deeply offended by the Democratic Team-81st Assembly District mailer, as community members, voters and activists who care about truth and decency in political discourse in our community.

The mailer violates both principles and reveals the brand of leadership that Assemblyman Jeff Dinowitz and his slate have — and will — provide.

The candidates of the “Dinowitz team,” particularly Ben Jackson, have said that they don’t want to dwell on the past, but want to focus on the future. Yet their mailer distorts the past, is untruthful, and continues its history of groundlessly accusing its opponents of using antisemitic tropes and being opposed to public safety — in an effort to frighten voters into supporting them.

Accusing an opponent of “antisemitic tropes” also is divisive to the Jewish community and the broader community.

It must be condemned.

In contrast, our incumbent district leaders — Abigail Martin and Ramdat Singh — share the values of the Northwest Bronx and have kept their promises to open politics to new ideas and new ways of engaging voters. And, the truth is, that they have led the Unity Democratic Club in successfully campaigning since its inception — on behalf of Democratic candidates including Joe Biden, Pat Ryan and Anthony Parisi, the first-ever Democrat elected as Dutchess County district attorney.

They also have strongly supported public safety by advocating for investment in community resources as means of decreasing crime.

The significant amount of money being spent in support of the Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club challengers will not confuse us into supporting entrenched officials who are closing their ranks to beat a new power base and new ideas that will help all the communities in the 81st Assembly District.

Sue Ellen Dodell

The author writes on behalf of the Ruth Mullen Riverdale Huddle, which includes Ellen Chapnick, Dale Wolff, Judith Minkoff-Grey, Julie Marcus, Annemarie Golden, Helen Krim, Jean Bresler, Madeline Ritter and Morgan Evers.

Sue Ellen Dodell
