Can high-efficiency heating equipment increase your property value?


To the editor:

In my discussions with New Yorkers, I’ve noticed there’s a deep understanding of how invaluable high-efficiency heating equipment is, not only for saving money on energy, but for preserving our environment.

Zillow conducted a survey titled the “Zillow Housing Aspirations Report,” which found homes including eco-friendly features — which can also reduce energy bills — can help a home sell up to nine days faster. This is where having heating equipment that runs on environmentally friendly Bioheat fuel comes in.

Using low-carbon Bioheat fuel, as well as making other energy efficient upgrades to your home, could potentially attract future buyers and increase the value of your property upon resale. 

Also, Zillow’s 2021 Consumer Housing Trends Report noted 67 percent of homebuyers were more likely to say having a home with energy efficient features is extremely important to them, a big increase from 56 percent of homebuyers who responded in the same way in 2019. 

Readers can learn more about the benefits of high-efficiency heating equipment that uses Bioheat fuel at NYSECnow.org.

Rocco J. Lacertosa, CEO, New York State Energy

Rocco J. Lacertosa
