Do not want to be like Trump


To the editor:

Amid the flood of statements emanating from Republican politicians questioning or trashing the integrity of our criminal justice system in the wake of the guilty verdict in the case of People of New York State vs. Donald J. Trump, I have not heard or read a word from any of them about the behavior and character of the former president.

I have not heard or read a single one of them describing him as displaying any of the personal qualities that we admire and value — amiable, articulate, courteous, empathetic, idealistic, insightful, kind, knowledgeable, magnanimous, open, respectful, sympathetic, thoughtful, tolerant and wise, to name a few.

Do any of those Republican politicians believe Trump is a suitable role model for young people?

Do any of them want their children or grandchildren to become abrasive, arrogant, boastful, callous, coarse, dishonest, disloyal, greedy, ignorant, intolerant, irascible, malicious, miserly, pugnacious, self-indulgent, uncaring, unfaithful, unself-critical, and vindictive?

That is, do they truly want their children or grandchildren to grow up to be like Trump and behave like him?

Miriam Levine Helbok
