Do you miss Klein yet?


To the editor:

(re: “We’re still waiting for universal health care,” May 16)

Your editorial fails to mention that the New York Health Act was supported by former state Sen. Jeffrey Klein. Now that he’s gone and those who call themselves “real” Democrats control the state senate, they no longer have Klein, his Independent Democratic Conference colleagues, or Republicans to blame for failure to pass it, marijuana legalization, campaign finance reform, rent control extensions, or any other act.

Then there’s Avrum Hyman’s criticism of my letter (re: “Keep it local: Leave the giants alone,” May 16). Except for the brief reign of one editor, The Riverdale Press has always been a forum for all issues neglected by the mainstream media. Also, criticizing the policies of the Israeli government is no more anti-Israel than criticizing U.S. government policies is anti-American.

Richard Warren


Have an opinion? Share your thoughts as a letter to the editor. Make your submission to letters@riverdalepress.com. Please include your full name, phone number (for verification purposes only), and home address (which will not be published).
Richard Warren,
