From an uninformed electorate


To the editor:

(re: “Nancy Pelosi has some nerve,” May 2)

My fellow American Larry Penner criticizes U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, stating “Pelosi has lost her way by not supporting securing our own border with both Mexico and Canada.”

This is factually incorrect, and a widespread misconception.

The Biden administration has repeatedly requested — and Congress has authorized more than once — budget increases for the Border Patrol, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The Biden administration has caught and expelled way more migrants than the Trump administration — up to 3.5 times as many every month. So, much more is being done to keep the border secure than during Trump.

Senate Democrats negotiated a tough, bipartisan bill to increase border security even more, and Republican senators helped write it. It was about to be voted on when, on Feb. 5, former president Donald Trump told Republicans not to support it, because it would look good for President Biden.

Republicans in Congress obeyed Trump, and the bill died.

No other bill has replaced it.

Think about that. Republicans are deliberately letting the problem get worse, and admit out loud that they are doing so in hopes voters will be confused and blame Democrats instead.

It used to be unthinkable that a presidential candidate or elected official would say, out loud, that they are deliberately making immigration problems worse in order to win an election. And no one would have voted for someone who admits harming the country to help their own chances at the polls.

But here we are, thanks to uninformed citizens.

Jason Brougham

Jason Brougham
