Great pizza


To the editor:

(re: “Doing good beyond just slinging slices,” April 30)

Read your front page story about a neighborhood pizza place.

I think this doesn’t reflect all the stores and other small businesses that are trying to stay in business. And helping their neighbors in a great way.

However, there are many more pizza places and other diners and restaurants that are doing great work to help the people of Riverdale and Kingsbridge survive.

Especially Salvatore’s of Soho at 3738 Riverdale Ave., who has been sending food to my wife and I, always fresh and hot, on-time, great service.

Salvatore’s has been a fixture in the neighborhood and responsible for the rebirth of Riverdale Avenue in the heart of Riverdale.

We have a problem going out. We are almost 80 years old.

Jack Shaifer

Have an opinion? Share your thoughts as a letter to the editor. Make your submission to letters@riverdalepress.com. Please include your full name, phone number (for verification purposes only), and home address (which will not be published).
Jack Shaifer,
