Is Cuomo really that bored?


To the editor:

Gov. Cuomo continues attempting to portray himself as the second coming of the late President Franklin Roosevelt and master builder Robert Moses.

Cuomo is not an engineer, construction contractor, transportation expert or daily commuter. He does excel at photo-ops when walking New York City Transit, Long Island or Metro-North Rail Road tracks continuously ignoring Federal Railroad Administration safety requirements by not wearing mandated orange protective vests just like all other MTA employees when touring active track areas.

How many times do we see him holding a press conference on an active right of way, not wearing either a protective vest or a hard hat?

NYC Transit, Long Island Rail Road and Metro-North track employees are required to wear a reflective vest when working or walking near active tracks. They also have to take a mandatory safety certification training course.

Has he ever been safety certified to participate in such activities without wearing a safety vest or hardhat as required by the FRA?

If he is bored being governor and believe he can do a better job managing NYC Transit or the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, there is an easy solution. His last act as governor before resigning could be appointing himself NYC Transit president or MTA chairman.

In the interim, Cuomo still needs to come up with the $5.8 billion of the original $8.3 billion he still owes to fund the $33 billion capital plan.

Larry Penner

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Larry Penner,
