It's their own fault


To the editor:

(re: “Building the world we all want,” Feb. 4)

As a member of the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, I have known Rabbi Avi Weiss for more than 40 years.

Rabbi Weiss has always stood for treating every human being as an image of God. He has supported equal rights for the Black community in America, and for bringing home the girls who were kidnapped in Africa.

He has sponsored a Martin Luther King Jr., annual concert at the Hebrew Institute with a Black church from Brooklyn.

Israel gives vaccines to all of its people from all ethnicities — Jew, Christian or Muslim — including terrorists in Israeli prisons, and people from Muslim countries seeking healing in Israeli hospitals.

The responsibility for vaccine distribution in Palestinian-controlled West Bank lies with the Palestinian Authority. They have failed their own citizens, even turning down vaccines from the United Arab Emirates for political reasons.

Daniel Langer

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Daniel Langer,
