Tell truth about college protests


To the editor:

(re: “Please take a moment, listen,” May 2)

In her recent letter, Anita Dutt refueled baseless narratives defaming Israel. Be they renegade Jews or others, the pro-Palestinian nationwide protesters intimidate Jewish students loyal to their faith and ancient homeland of Israel. 

The protests are not peaceful when they commonly include force, disruption of student life and local civilian life, and breakage of university property.

The chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” advocates for the total destruction of the state of Israel and all its inhabitants — many of whom are not Jewish. Iran — the power behind the Hamas Oct. 7 massacre, invasion and hostage-taking — tried to bomb the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem (one of Islam’s most sacred places) along with fellow Muslims as it recently showered Israel with hundreds of missiles in its quest to destroy the Jewish state. 

If Ms. Dutt studied history, she would learn that the second Palestinian “intifada” that began in 2000 resulted in the deaths of more than 1,000 Israelis during horrific terror attacks on civilians. “Globalize the intifada” is a call for the murder of Jews worldwide.

Most heinous of all is Ms. Dutt’s accusation of genocide by Israel. Local Palestinian populations have grown by the millions in recent decades, with Israel offering a variety of collaborative supports to Palestinian society. 

Ironically, many members of the Jewish communities close to the Gaza border were involved in such “peace” efforts. They were slaughtered and betrayed by many of the very Palestinians who they had employed and helped over the years. 

Nevertheless, Israel has — and is — sending massive supplies and aid for Gazan civilians. Israel has the best record in military history for going to efforts and risk to minimize the tragedy of civilian casualties.

Hamas, the cause of the current conflict, uses a brutal strategy of embedding itself in civilian infrastructure. 

Israel has no choice but to battle Hamas in these areas in order to prevent the terror group from making good on its promise to “repeat Oct. 7 over and over again” until there is no Israel and no Jews remain. 

I call on people of good will to stand with Israel and the Jewish people now during this time of falsehoods, hate and prejudice directed against us.

Alisa Eilenberg

Alisa Eilenberg
