The truth at the Amalgamated


To the editor:
(re: “Amalgamated residents challenge affordable definition,” June 13)

I read the article on the front page of the June 13 issue of The Riverdale Press. While some parts were interesting, I noticed several inaccuracies that need correction.

As the president of the board of directors of Amalgamated Housing, I would have been pleased to assist with these corrections and to offer the board’s perspective — if you had reached out.

First, the amount of increase is $148.05. That is 45.22 percent of $327.27, which is the average per-room, per-month before the increase. The $327.27 is not the increase. (By the way, our carrying charges include utilities.)

I did appreciate your suggestion that the city and state have abandoned affordable housing. The board of directors of Amalgamated Housing has shared this sentiment for some time now. A very large number of affordable housing communities under state and city supervision find themselves in a situation similar to ours.

The board and management have been transparent. The full budget was received from New York State Homes and Community Renewal in early June, a few business days after the notice of increase. It was posted the day it was received.

None of our buildings are Mitchell-Lama. Amalgamated is a limited dividend housing company. There is no such thing as a co-operative that has some buildings Mitchell-Lama and some not.

Wherever the idea came from “it does not appear management is concerned with the loss of tenants,” that idea is wrong and did not come from anyone associated with management. Amalgamated is a community, and we are concerned when members move out.

While the Mitchell-Lama program started in the 1950s, the dream of affordable, co-operatively owned housing started at Amalgamated in 1927.

Through problems imposed upon us from the outside, we are hitting a rough patch now, but we are working hard to get back on a stable path as affordable housing.

Jack Spiegel

Jack Spiegel
