Today is a new day for all of us


To the editor:

I am filled with joy and hope today. For the first time in four years, I have a president again. Someone who is presidential, dignified with compassion, empathy and love.

I know I will not agree with President Biden on every policy decision he makes, but I know we will be dealing with a man, not a deranged toddler. I also know I will be hearing the truth, not a cascade of lies.

The previous occupant of the White House rode to victory on the lie that he had proof President Obama was born in Kenya (I don’t remember the media asking to see the proof).

That fed into the racial animus which still exists in this country. He held a rally in which he told his followers to go to Capitol Hill and wreak havoc on the day that the lawmakers from both houses of Congress met to count the Electoral College votes, which he knew would certify Biden’s win.

I need not list the horrors of Jan. 6, 2021. All based on the “big lie” fed to the murderous mob of domestic terrorists by Donald J. Trump.

May God bless America. Now and forever.

Pauline Binder

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Pauline Binder,
