Where was the liberal response


To the editor:

(re: “Let me tell you all about ‘Crooked Hillary,'” Feb. 15)

In February, you published my opinion piece in which I accurately excoriated Hillary Clinton.

And although this woman was endorsed and actively supported by local Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz and every other Democratic politician who is a member of the Benjamin Franklin Reform Democratic Club (including Congressman Eliot Engel), none of them had the guts to respond to my letter.

Both Assemblyman Dinowitz and Congressman Engel were Clinton delegates in the (fixed) Democratic presidential primary against Bernie Sanders. 

Surely, they should be able to defend her against any attack. 

Both are consummate politicians who are masters of the spoken and written word, and are constantly making speeches and issuing press releases.

But evidently, even these two political pros are unable to defend their corrupt candidate, “Crooked Hillary,” against my 100 percent on-the-mark presentation.

I challenge Assemblyman Dinowitz, Congressman Engel, or any other Democratic politician to respond to my letter regarding “Crooked Hillary.” 

But you readers all know in your hearts that Dinowitz, Engel, etc., don’t have the guts.

Simply put, they are cowards.

By the way, Mr. Engel, what have you got to say about the recent anti-Semitic remarks made by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who called us “Satanic Jews” while surrounded by Congressional Black Caucus members — Maxine Waters and Keith Ellison, who didn’t open their mouths to condemn Farrakhan’s hateful attack?

Alvin Gordon

Alvin Gordon
